The info on this page is for OED version 0.7.0. See "Help versions" menu at top of page for other versions.

Admin Reading Import (Help)


This page describes the process of importing readings into OED via a CSV file. See the general CSV import page for an overview and information common to all CSV imports.


The information needed to upload readings is the same whether done via the web page or direct file upload. The web page looks as follows:

admin CSV meter page

The items with a drop down menu generally have the option of "meter value or default" and it is preselected. This choice causes OED to use the value stored on the meter which should be the default value if none was ever supplied. An input box on the web page begins empty and this will cause OED to use the value stored on the meter which should be the default value if none was ever supplied. If a parameter is not supplied in a direct file upload then it defaults to the meter value. The check boxes at the end of the page above do not have meter default values and use the OED default value if not supplied. See the meters CSV import page for the default values. The required and optional information is:

Reading CSV file format

If the file has a header row then it should be:
reading, start_timestamp, end_timestamp
Each following line should contain the values for one reading which are:

  1. reading value: This is the usage between the start date/time and end data/time in the units expected for this meter. Note a reading that is not an integer or real number will cause an error where OED then rejects all readings in the CSV file.
  2. start_timestamp: (This assumes end only time is false.) This is the start date/time stamp for this readings. (The name of the column is historical and is not just time). OED accepts any format that our date/time package can accept where most usual formats are recognized. The canonical format is 2021-06-01 00:00:00 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Note you can put the time before the date, use "/" in place of "-" in the date, and/or not include the seconds (HH:MM). The system should also detect and accept date in a MM-DD-YYYY format. The system tries to detect incorrect formats/dates/times and this causes OED to reject all readings in the CSV file. For example, 2021-06-32 00:00:00 will cause an error since there are not 32 days in June.
  3. end_timestamp: Similar to start_timestamp but specifies the end date/time stamp for this reading.

Note the start_timestamp column will not be present if end only is specified.

Sample files

For each sample given, there is a link to the CSV file and the curl parameters used to upload that CSV file. The same parameters could be set via the web upload. The curl command you will use will be:
curl <yourOedServer>:3000/api/csv/readings -X POST -F 'createMeter=true' -F 'meterName=<meterName>' <curlParameters> -F 'email=<loginEmail>' -F 'password=<loginPassword>' -F 'csvfile=@<csvFilename>'
where you replace <yourOedServer> with your OED server URL address (same as when you go to your OED site), <meterName> with the name you want OED to use for this meter, <curlParameters> with the curl parameters listed for each sample file, <loginEmail> with the user email with CSV user login privileges for OED, <loginPassword> with the password for that user and <csvFilename> with the CSV file name listed for the sample file. Note the curl command must be run in the directory containing the CSV file or include the path to that file. As an example for the first sample file, you might have
curl https://myoedserver.come:3000/api/csv/readings -X POST -F 'createMeter=true' -F 'meterName=regAsc' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false' -F '' -F 'password=csvuserpassword' -F 'csvfile=@regAsc.csv'
assuming the shown URL, user email and password and making the meter name be the base of the CSV file name (file name without .csv). Note that meters created by OED are not visible to non-admin users so you will either need to be logged in as an admin or get an admin user to make the meter(s) visible. Also, an admim user needs to refresh the readings for them to be able to be graphed (often happens automatically somewhat after midnight on a site). As an alternative (if it is okay for your server) you can add the parameter -F 'refreshReadings=true' so OED will do the refresh as part of the upload. Finally, you need to reload the OED web page so your browser is aware of the new meters and data. Please see CSV vs graphic value discussion about expected values in OED graphs.

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is false and the data is not cumulative. It will import three readings with values of 24, 48 and 72 for 1-3 June 2021. Note that the end date/time is at midnight of the next day. (This regAsc.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        48,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is true and the data is not cumulative. The readings are the same as the last one but OED will drop the first ever reading for end only data (assuming the meter does not already exist) with an appropriate error message returned by OED. (This regAscEndonly.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'endOnly=true' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        24,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        48,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-04 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is false, the data is not cumulative and update is true. It is assumed that the first example (two above) was run first so the reading values of 24, 48 & 72 already exist in OED. The second row of the CSV (first with a reading) will create a new reading for 31 May 2021 with a reading value of 0. This is the assumed previous reading in the following cumulative examples and has the date for the previous reading with end only times in the following examples. The third row of the CSV will modify (update) the current reading for 1 June 2021 to change the value from 24 to 36. The fourth row of the CSV will update the reading for 2 June 2021 but since the reading provided is the same as the one already in OED you cannot see that this was done. Note you get a warning returned by OED since the first reading is before the last upload for this meter but this does not change the outcome. (This regAscUpdate.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'update=true' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false' where you reuse the same meter name that was used in the first sample [likely regAsc].)

        0,2021-05-31 00:00:00,2021-06-01 00:00:00
        36,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        48,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file without a header row where end only is false and the data is cumulative. The readings are the same as regAscEndonly since the first ever reading must be dropped and OED returns an error message about that. The second row is calculated by OED to be 72 - 24 = 48 and the third as 144 - 72 = 72. (This cumAsc.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'cumulative=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is false and the data is cumulative with reset as true. The readings are the same as the last one with one more reading at the end. This reading will have an OED value of 96 since 96 is less than 144 so a reset is assumed to have happened. The other readings all have the row reading greater than or equal to the previous row reading so no reset occurred. Note the request could set the reset time start and end to be close to midnight (23:55 & 00:05 if must be within 5 minutes of midnight) if you want to avoid OED assuming a reset at another time is okay. (This cumAscReset.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'cumulative=true' -F 'cumulativeReset=true' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00
        96,2021-06-04 00:00:00,2021-06-05 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is false, the data is cumulative and time sort is "decreasing". The readings are the same as the two above (cumAsc). The CSV file is the same except all rows past the first header row are in reverse order so time decreases as you go down the rows. An example without cumulative is not shown but it would be similar but have reading values of 72, 48 & 24 for rows 2-4 (but here the first reading of 24 would not be dropped). (This cumDsc.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'cumulative=true' -F 'timeSort=decreasing' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is true, the data is cumulative, time sort is "decreasing". The readings are the same as the one above. This again shows that you can use many possibilities in combination where here it is both cumulative and end only. (This cumDscEndonly.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'endOnly=true' -F 'cumulative=true' -F 'timeSort=decreasing' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        144,2021-06-04 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        24,2021-06-02 00:00:00

Below are the lines for a CSV readings import file with a header row where end only is false, the data is cumulative and duplication is 3. The readings are the same as the one above where each line is duplicated three times. (This cumAscDuplication.csv was loaded using the curl parameters of -F 'cumulative=true' -F 'duplications=3' -F 'headerRow=true' -F 'gzip=false'.)

        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        24,2021-06-01 00:00:00,2021-06-02 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        72,2021-06-02 00:00:00,2021-06-03 00:00:00
        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00
        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00
        144,2021-06-03 00:00:00,2021-06-04 00:00:00

Return messages

Most messages end with some standard information that can help you (and if needed the OED project) understand what happened. If there are issues, the beginning of the message will have:
<h1>FAILURE</h1><h2>It looks like the insert of the readings had issues with some or all of the readings where the processing of the readings returned these warning(s)/error(s):</h2>
The later part of the message will normally include what OED thought was the previous and current reading along with the parameter values it is using for processing. This is an example:
For reading #1 on meter pipe3 in pipeline: previous reading has value 0 start time 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 end time 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 and current reading has value 24 start time 2021-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 end time 2021-06-02T00:00:00+00:00 with timeSort increasing; duplications 1; cumulative true; cumulativeReset false; cumulativeResetStart 00:00:00; cumulativeResetEnd 23:59:59.999999; lengthGap 0; lengthVariation 0; onlyEndTime false
In this case, the previous reading was the default one set by OED to indicate that no meter reading has yet been saved. This can be seen from the date of 1970-01-01. Note all parameters are shown even if they are not used in this circumstance. For example, the cumulateResetStart/End is given even though cumulativeReset is false.
Additional information included in all messages will be a list of dropped readings at the end of the message. Note these are not given if all readings are dropped (indicated in message). An example where the first reading is dropped is:
<h2>Readings Dropped and should have previous messages</h2><ol><li>Dropped Reading #1 for meter pipe3</li></ol>

What follows are the common messages returned from a reading upload along with their meaning. The standard information in messages just described is not included in what is given.


This provides further information on loading CSV readings into OED. Note many apply to the code for loading readings into OED so apply even if it is done outside this CSV mechanism.

First reading ever seen by a meter

OED uses the previous value to validate reading length and the gap to the previous reading. It also uses the previous reading to determine the current reading's value for cumulative readings. There is a startup issue when a meter is first created concerning what the previous reading will be. As described on the CSV meter import page, OED sets the previous reading to have start/end dates/times of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and a reading of zero. This should make it the case that this is well before any actual meter reading and OED uses this special value to detect when a meter has never had a reading added. Due to this, if the reading is either cumulative and/or end only date/time then it must be discarded. This is because there is no real previous point to use to get the needed values. OED will report that the CSV upload failed and tell you it dropped the first reading as needed. Note that OED will be fine after the first ever reading since it will use the first ever reading as the previous reading when it does the second reading.

CSV file that is not immediately after the last previous reading

As discussed above, OED uses the previous reading to do calculations and validation of a reading. If you upload a CSV where the first reading it not the next reading for this meter you will see issues for similar reasons to the first ever reading described above. This includes OED warning about a gap, possibly a warning about the reading being earlier in time than the previous reading (if that is true), and possible rejection of the reading if this is cumulative data and/or end only data. As described above, the next reading in the CSV will be handled without these issues. Note you can get these issues if the previous CSV upload was rejected (all readings) because OED does not update the previous reading in this case (to avoid mistakes). Thus, the previous reading stays as what it was before the upload of this CSV. This can be fixed by addressing the issue(s) with the CSV and uploading again before the next CSV upload of later data. As noted on the general CSV import page, OED returns messages to let you know that an issue occurred and direct file upload will return an error code.

Reading value in CSV vs what is seen in OED

OED displays data per unit time in a line graph. In the CSV example files above, each reading spans one day or 24 hours. Thus, if this was electricity readings in KW, OED would graph KW/hour and each value in the CSV will show up as 1/24 of the value provided when graphed by OED. In the sample values, 24, 48 and 72 (KW for 24 hours) will be shown on a line graphic as 1, 2 and 3 (KWh). OED does a sophisticated average where it proportionally includes part of a reading's value if it crosses the boundary of the time range of the point being graphed. In general you do not need to worry about this but it is mentioned so people will not think that OED should show the CSV file value directly.

Row numbers in returned messages

OED tries to return the row (line) number of the CSV when it reports any messages. First, OED strips off the header row so that is not counted in the row number. This means the second row in a CSV file (assuming time sort is ascending) will be shown as row #1. Note that when time sort is descending, OED still reports the row numbers in the same way (even though it processes the data from the last to first row).

Using dropped readings as the previous reading

If all readings are dropped then the previous reading associated with the meter is not updated and no changes are stored for any readings. In all other cases, the previous reading associated with the meter is updated with the last reading in the CSV file. Note that OED should use the previous row in the CSV as the previous readings even if it is dropped. The reason is that readings generally come in time order so removing one will cause the next reading to generate an error. Thus, the bad reading is used for processing a next reading but is not stored as a reading in OED.

Accuracy of stored reading value

OED stores each reading value with about 6 decimal digits of accuracy (known as single precision on a computer). This has seemed to be sufficient accuracy and no sites have commented on this. It does mean that if the raw data had greater precision then it will be rounded to 6 digits of precision. If you think your site needs greater accuracy then please see issue #650 on our GitHub site to enter that conversation.